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Product Pricing and Return Policy Update

Published: 10:02:00 AM on 01 April 2020

Customer Pricing & Return Policy Update

Volatile global economic conditions have caused the Australian dollar to plummet over recent weeks. Given the decline in the value of the AUD, we have been closely monitoring our own manufacturing, production and logistics costs.

We are committed to providing competitively priced high-quality products and as such we will preserve the current pricing structure - there will be no immediate changes to the pricing of m|devices products.

We will continue to monitor the financial markets and keep you informed of any pricing modifications, should they be required in the future.

In the current climate we have also been receiving large PO’s, which exceed average monthly demand. After reviewing stock levels, we have allowed the release of stock to support our supply chain for a few focused items. This allows you to fulfill your needs and help Australian facilities.

Where large stocks have been purchased, items that are purchased beyond the average turnover will not be accepted for return (product incident and recalls excepted).

We have taken this step because in recent days we have not fulfilled facility requests for stocks due to extraordinary demand. The non-return policy is only on those few items that have been purchased above average. For those of you that have taken advantage of this stock, we are pleased to have been able to support you in meeting the current market demands.

For all other items the normal trading terms and conditions apply.

Thank you for your continued support during these turbulent times and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.